My all time favorite-floral and stripes! |
I did these for Valentine's Day!
So, I know I haven't posted on here in basically forever. My life got
too busy, and my blog suffered before I even let it take off. However,
I've definitely been crafting, baking, and creating up a storm whenever I
could! In the next few weeks I'll try and post some of the delicious
recipes, cool nail art, and weird craft projects I've completed. Since
it's Monday, we'll call today Mani Monday. Here are a few of my own
works of art on my nails, excuse the fact that I hadn't yet cleaned up
the outsides of my nails on a few of these.
These just might be my cutest nails ever. Teddy bears and polka
dots! All of the dots and the teddy bear were done with my own handmade
dotting tool, a flat headed sewing pin stuck into the eraser of a
pencil. So simple!
Looks nice!